7-Day Calorie Burning Exercise Routine

The Ultimate Weekly Workout is basically a 7-Day Calorie Burning Exercise Routine that pretty much anyone can do. This article is going to guide you through a new and different calorie-burning exercise for each and every day. It is broken down into easy steps for you to train with ease. These are most likely exercises you know of and have probably done before. Classic exercises tend to be the best they are low impact and easy to do and implement into your regular routine. Once you get going and are introduced to each exercise you should start to use them every day. So ultimately by the end of the week, you will be able to do them all in one day every day.

7 day calorie burning exercise routine

These are everyday low-impact exercises designed for you to be able to do on a daily basis. This could very well be your new 7-day calorie-burning exercise routine. It is up to you how often you want to do these exercises. If you want more of a challenge just up the reps or sets for the exercises you want to amp up. A rep means doing the exercise once (10x). A set is doing the exercise for multiple reps (5 reps is a set equaling 50x). With that being said, of course, the more reps and sets you do the better your results will be. You can also add weights to the exercises to make them more challenging as well.

As with any new training regimen you take on you should always Consult Your Doctor Please.

The calories you burn are estimated and can fluctuate depending on certain factors like your current weight and lifestyle aspects. Welcome to the 7 day calorie burning exercise routine.

Monday – Power Walk

This has to be one of the easiest exercises to add to your daily workout routine.

With the exception of having a disability, most of us usually walk every day. We all grow up walking, jogging, and eventually running. Most people start an exercise regime by walking and then eventually jogging and running. Which is the only workout people tend to do.

The reason is that this is an easy and effective way of exercising.

You can do this on a treadmill but it is better if you do it outdoors. The different landscapes and resistance from the wind will enhance the exercise. It is also great for your mental state of being just by being outdoors.

Now I warn this is not just a casual stroll around the block. You are going to want to push the pace and keep it up. If the power walk is just to easy for you, you can always start to jog or run.

How To’s & Tips

  • In power walking posture counts for everything and is key. You will want to stand up as straight as possible. This will allow all of your muscles through your core to work collectively and it will help you walk faster.
  • Always look ahead never down.
  • Relax Your Shoulders
  • Walk with your arms close to your body and at a 90-degree angle at the elbow.
  • Walk forward at a rapid pace that you can handle, your heel should always hit the ground first.
  • Wear firm soled comfortable shoes. A good pair of Power Walking Shoes are highly suggested.

Duration: 20 Minutes

Calories Burned: ~300

Tuesday – Triangle Push Up

The triangle push is just a modification of the traditional push-up we all know. This easy alteration is intended to work more muscles in the upper body.

It would be best to do this exercises after your power walk. The power walk will get your blood flowing. Which, in turn, will make your body more responsive to this muscle building workout.

The triangle push up is just like a normal push up. Except that you position your hands inward so that your thumbs and pointer fingers form a triangle.

How To’s & Tips

  • To start kneel face down.
  • Place your hands on the floor and position them comfortably below your chest with your thumbs and pointer fingers close enough to form a triangle.
  • Now stretch out into the normal push up position, parallel to the ground.
  • Lower yourself down to near ground level and then push yourself up again completing one push up.
  • If for some reason you can not complete this motion, then you can keep your knees on the ground until you have built up enough arm strength to do the full version.
  • To finish a full set do 10 pushups without a break in between.
  • Do three of these sets.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~75

Wednesday – Body Weight Squat

This is hands down one of the most favorite workouts for serious bodybuilders. Although they use large amounts of weights on their back this version using only body weight is just as effective.

A squat is an exercise mainly for your legs but the great thing is it also works out other important muscles in your body. Many bodybuilders often call this exercise the total full body workout.

Learning to do the bodyweight squat is usually advised before you dive into doing weighted squats.

The bodyweight squat is essentially done from the standard standing position, and you squat down toward the ground, in a traditional sitting motion. Then you complete the squat by standing straight back up.

If this seems to be too easy for you, then try adding dumbbells to each of your hands. Make sure to have an equal amount of weight on each side.

How To’s & Tips

  • To start stand up with your feet about a little more than shoulder width apart, with your toes pointing about 30 degrees out.
  • Then Squat down into a sitting like position.
  • Squat down as far as you can or are comfortable with.
  • Some people like to squat until their thighs are even with the ground, while others like to go slightly past that position.
  • Try not to risk your form for speed. Keeping the correct form is much more important than trying to finish quickly.
  • Squatting down and then back up is considered one rep.
  • A set is 10 reps.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~105

Thursday – The Curl-Up

Another great variation on another classic exercise. This exercise is literally based on the traditional sit-up. Which is one of the first exercises you learn how to do on top of running and pushups. This exercise burns calories while also working your abdominal and other vital core muscles.

This exercise is a little different than a sit-up or crunch. Some studies have actually shown the curl-up causes less impact on your lower back. The exercise is basically a crunch, except your arms stay to the side of your body. This is to help protect your neck and back muscles.

One rep is doing a curl-up and then back down again onto the mat.

How To’s & Tips

  • Start by lying down on your back, or if you have an exercise or yoga mat, you can use that.
  • Now place your hands at your sides, with your arms straight forward and on the mat or the floor.
  • Constrict your abs, and curl up as if you were doing a regular crunch moving your hands along the floor towards your heels. Keep your head up.
  • Return to the starting position and that is considered one rep.

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~75

Friday – Shadow Boxing

It is estimated that people are 38% more likely to stick with a new exercise if they find it fun or enjoyable. It makes more sense that you would find it easier to do something that you can actually find joy in. This is one reason why shadow boxing is such a fantastic exercise.

This exercise is not just for those who compete in combative sports or combat sports enthusiasts either. Shadow boxing is actually a great aerobic workout. It is very easy to do and somewhat therapeutic some might say. This fantastic exercise not only works your body, but it can also help soothe your mind.

It also gives you a great outlet for your day’s stress and frustrations.

You can always increase the resistance in the exercise and make it more difficult by adding weights to your hands or using a heavy bag with light boxing gloves.

How To’s & Tips

  • The great thing about shadow boxing is that it isn’t as form dependent as most other exercises.
  • To start stand comfortably. Next hold your hands up, making a tight fist with your thumb tight against the outside of your fingers.
  • It is important not to tuck your thumb inside your fingers. Because if you accidentally hit something your thumb could be severely injured.
  • Keep your elbows tucked close to your body and your chin tucked down
  • Now throw some punches just like you were boxing.
  • Start by throwing a couple of jabs and then work your way up in speed as the exercise progresses.
  • While you are punching you should also be moving around, and staying on the balls of your feet.
  • Remember to use head movement (bob and weave) and lean back and forth (dodging) just like you were avoiding punches from an actual opponent.
  • Remember To Have Fun!

Duration: 15 Minutes (with a one minute break 2x in there)

Calories Burned: ~105

Saturday – Dips

This exercise is calorie burning as well as muscle building. This is one of the best workouts using just your body weight for your arms. This is an exercise that is so impactful that you will probably feel it in your arms a day or two later most likely after you have done it.

You can do this exercise in a couple of different ways, but in general, using a dining room chair is perfect. Like most exercises in this article, this exercise is very convenient and you can do it in a hotel room on a business trip. All you need is your own body weight and a steady chair.

The basic idea in general is that you raise your own body weight using just your arms.

How To’s & Tips

  • To start stand in front of a chair, facing away from it.
  • Sit down and position yourself on the very edge of the chair.
  • Place your hands so they are on the edge of the chair they should be about shoulder width apart.
  • Make sure your hands are firmly secured and slide your butt to the edge of the chair, walking out with your feet. Keep your chest and head up.
  • Slowly lower your body downward. Try not to bend your elbows past 90 degrees.
  • Now force your body back up just by extending your arms.
  • Going down and then raising back up represents one rep.
  • If 3 sets of 8 reps are too much you can start out with one set and work your way up slowly.
  • If this exercise seems too easy for you, an advanced dip can be done by resting your feet on the edge of another chair.

Duration: 3 Sets of 8

Calories Burned: ~75

Sunday – Power Jumps

We saved this exercise for the last day because it is a great way to wind down your day’s activities. It is one last exhilarating bodyweight exercise to finish your workout routine.

Make sure you have enough room to do this exercise and are on a firm sturdy floor. You surely don’t want to be jumping around anything fragile or anything that might be able to fall off a shelf. The key to this exercise is to use your core muscles to explode off the floor. You don’t want to hold back on the jumps because you are scared that you might knock something over. If weather permits this is an excellent exercise to do outdoors if you can.

It is fairly simple to do, you are pretty much just jumping something most of us have been doing since were young kids. If you would like to add some difficulty to the exercise, you can hold some light dumbbells in each hand (the same weight).

How To’s & Tips

  • First, you want to find somewhere you are comfortable jumping as high as possible.
  • Next, you want to stand up with your knees slightly bent and with your feet close together.
  • Now bend down then jump (exploding) straight up as high as you can.
  • Land with your knees nice and loose to absorb impact.
  • As you land go into the squat position and then explode into your next jump as you come up.
  • One jump is one rep.
  • Refer to the squat lesson from Wednesday to figure out what the squat position is

Duration: 3 Sets of 10

Calories Burned: ~125


There you have it, a 7 day calorie burning exercise routine that you can do at any time. If you find it too difficult to do all the exercises in one day then break them up doing 3 one day and 4 the next. Your goal is to be able to do all 7 exercises a day.

You can also split them up and do them throughout your whole day. So you can take your power walk in the morning and do a couple of other workouts later in the day. These exercises are especially beneficial for people who are homebound or work from home.

As I said before the calories you burn are estimated and can fluctuate depending on certain factors like your current weight and lifestyle aspects. It may also depend on how much you exert yourself. A very rough estimate is that you may burn a total of 900 calories by doing each of these exercises daily. Enjoy the 7 day calorie burning exercise routine and have fun doing it.

Also, be sure to check out our Everyday Effortless Workouts series and our Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner recipes Stating Right Here with Breakfast. If you need help with weight management you can always check out our Bio-Hacking page. Where you will find some extraordinary biohacking supplements for weight loss and other health benefits.

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