Bio-Hacking Liquid Probiotic

Are you in need of great tasting easy to take probiotics? We have the only bio-hacking liquid probiotic on the market right now and we are giving you access. Balancing the bacteria in our gut is very important to our overall health. It helps with our digestion among other important gut related issues. Not only does ours help with your gut health but also supports your body in other essential areas.

Probiotics! What They Are and What They Do!

bio-hacking liquid probiotic

Plain and simple probiotics are microorganisms or healthy bacteria for our bodies mainly focusing on our digestive system. Surprisingly there are forms of good microorganisms (bacteria) just as well as bad. The key is to eliminate the bad and introduce the good or at least balance them out, If you want to maintain a healthy gut then implementing probiotics is super beneficial. It is really time to dispel the old fashioned notion that all microorganisms (bacteria) or “all germs” are bad for us.

Just so you know most bacteria do actually help the human body and some are even vital. You can get probiotics in many different forms the most popular being in some of the foods we consume. For example, you have some readily available everyday foods such as; Yogurt, Pickles, Sauerkraut, Traditional buttermilk, and even some types of cheese. Then you have Kimchi, Kombucha, Miso, and Kefir which is a fermented probiotic milk drink. that is made by adding kefir grains to regular cow’s or even goat’s milk. Kefir grains are not really a grain in the typical sense but are actually cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Now we come to Tempeh which is a type of fermented soybean product. It is in the form of a firm patty with a flavor most would describe as earthy or nutty and is, resembling that of a mushroom. 

So Why a Bio-hacking Liquid Probiotic?

Our bodies need probiotics just as much as antibiotics if not more. We take antibiotics while and even after we get sick taking probiotics can help ward off that very sickness. The benefits of probiotics are scientifically proven to help our bodies immensely. They are known to greatly help us digest our food. Not to mention they have the power to eliminate some disease-inducing cells and are known to even help strengthen our immune system. Now imagine having a probiotic that does that and much more. Our bio-hacking liquid probiotic supplement does it all and then some. Just check out the main points that are listed below;

But you came here for gut health Im assuming and that is exactly what you going to get. Kickstarting your day off with our bio-hacking liquid probiotic is a smart and healthy choice for all. Does nourishing and rebalancing your gut sound good to you? It does to me. Think about receiving all the nutrients from all the foods you eat. Because our product helps break down the food you eat due to the proteolytic
enzymes in our extraordinary bio-hacking liquid probiotic.

Not all probiotics are created the same

bio-hacking liquid probiotic

Not all probiotics are created the same. There is something called CFU (Colony Forming Units) which is the dosage of probiotics. Dosages can range from anywhere in the high Millions all the way up to 200 Billion imagine that. This is a Laboratory term for the process of estimating the number of live microbes that can form colonies in the laboratory. This is done in the laboratory because it lets you know how viable the bacteria is way before it is exposed to your (GI) Gastrointestinal Tract. We all or should know about our GI Tract the organs that our food and liquids pass through when we swallow them. The foods we digest and absorb until they leave our bodies when we have a bowel movement.

With our product, you are receiving 20 billion CFUs all coming from 9 distinctive types of healthy bacteria. This will also help your body tremendously by putting it into an alkaline state. Not only that but it also enables cellular hydration as a result of the ionic trace materials in our product. Our bio-hacking liquid probiotic supports your gut health by strengthening the billions of helpful bacteria that live together with the cells in our bodies. You will also enjoy the additional benefits of having healthier Skin, Lungs, and Stomach, along with Oral and Mental health too.

Get Your Digestive Health On The Right Track Today

bio-hacking liquid probiotic

Start your journey to having better gut health with our bio-hacking liquid probiotic. Great tasting easy to take and portable so you will never be without it. This is a new addition to the growing family of our bio-hacking nootropic products. You can check out the rest of our products on our Bio-Hacking at its Best page. This is also designed to be taken in conjunction with some of our other bio-hacking products. It is time for you to start taking care of your digestive health and bowel patterns today.

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