Getting Fit with the Glycemic Index

We can all agree that at least some moderate exercise is vital to our overall health and well-being. The main problem we have with exercising for most of us is we don’t have the time. Not to mention the motivation factor staying motivated in the gym can be hard to do. We have shown you other ways to stay fit or get into shape in other articles in our Everyday Effortless Workout series. So by now, you know that going to the gym is not a must. What we put in our bodies is just as if not more important than what we do to our bodies. Eating the right way is very important and certain foods can help you tremendously. Keep reading to find out how you can stay fit with the glycemic index.

stay fit with the glycemic index

When it comes to eating properly you need to follow the correct diet. Most people tend to follow more than one and they mix and match hoping for any result. This is never a good idea because going from one to the other is not going to help your long time goal. All types of diets are not for all types of people each person is different and has different needs. Some diets might have you cut some foods that are important to the body. While others may have you eating foods that are not specific to your certain needs. There is no telling how many people have harmed their metabolisms due to low carbohydrate, low-fat eating, or ridiculous yo-yo dieting. You can forget about all of those and follow something that will work for you.

Stay Fit With The Glycemic Index

What exactly is The Glycemic Index or (GI). It is a value used to measure how much a certain food will increase your blood sugar levels. Foods are categorized from low to medium or high glycemic foods. They are then ranked on a scale of 0 to 100. The lower GI of a certain food, then the less likely it is to affect your blood sugar levels.

The three ratings go like this:

The foods that are low on the GI scale will release glucose slowly and steadily over time. Foods that tend to be high on the GI scale will release glucose very quickly.

Low GI foods consist of:

Fruits, Non-starchy vegetables, Whole grains, Legumes

Foods without a GI value or with a very low GI can also be enjoyed as part of a balanced low glycemic diet. They include:

These are foods that do not have a GI value or are very low GI value. They may also be added to a balanced low glycemic diet. These foods are:

Meat, Seafood, Poultry, Oils, Nuts, Seeds, Herbs and Spices

Even though there are no foods that are totally restricted on this diet, but foods with a high glycemic index should be minimized or avoided. These foods consist of:

Bread, Rice, Cereals, Pasta and noodles, Starchy vegetables, Baked goods, Snacks, Sugar-sweetened beverages

Time To Put The Diet To Use

If you are serious about staying fit you really should try to implement the low glycemic diet into your regimen. The low glycemic diet is easy to use and follow. The glycemic index is there to guide you through the foods and how quickly they release glucose. When sugar is released too fast it can overload the pancreas with insulin. Which in turn ends up storing fat in the body.

When you begin to eat a healthy diet that consists of five to six meals daily, you can actually give your metabolism a boost. Getting your metabolism running in tip-top shape makes a big difference. Your diet must contain protein, some legumes, and lastly lots of low glycemic raw vegetables. Eating like this for two or three weeks you should start to see some changes. Whether it be in clothing size or when you step on the scale. This is just another easy way to get and stay fit without working out. Check out the next Everyday Effortless Workout in the series right here.

If you are looking for more ways to stay fit or need help managing your weight then you need to check out our Revolutionary Biohacking Methods on our Bio-hacking page.

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