Most Common Tea For Fitness

Staying physically fit and maintaining our health and a healthy lifestyle are very important. That being said many people often go to extraordinary lengths to achieve their goals. I hate to say it but not all of us are able to take all the preventive measures possible due to our busy lifestyles. Therefore our health tends to take a backseat or is put on the back burner and is often an afterthought. Not saying that our health is not important to us it is just hard to put full wholehearted focus on it. Nonetheless staying fit is a must and it all with our health. There are numerous ways to help with that. Another great way to help is drinking tea not just any tea but the most common tea for fitness.

most common tea for fitness

Keep in mind you have to drink the right tea. Not to mention drinking it regularly in order to actually get the true benefits. Many teas are good for various health properties but there is one specifically I want to talk about. The most common tea for fitness is green tea. Green tea has been used for thousands of years in the far east for its various medicinal properties. It is known to boost your metabolic rate and help to increase the burning of fat. Green tea does contain caffeine however it contains much less than a cup of coffee. About 24-40mg as opposed to coffees 100-200mg per cup. Yet it is still effective enough to make a difference to aid in the fat-burning process. While also improving your performance while working out.

Most Common Tea For Fitness

It is the green tea’s antioxidant components that really make it shine through. It is packed with powerful antioxidants which are called catechins. Just by drinking one cup of green tea will actually raise the antioxidants in your bloodstream tremendously. The most prominent of these catechins is the epigallocatechin gallate or the (EGCG). Which in particular can give your metabolism a much-needed boost. The longer you let your green tea steep the more EGCG is released. Your body has to break down fat before releasing it into your bloodstream to be used as energy for your muscles. A compound in green tea called norepinephrine or (noradrenaline) is a fat-burning hormone that helps with that process. And the

Drinking green tea is an excellent way to keep us nice and balanced. In the way, it can boost our metabolism, and with its wonderful antioxidant properties. It can literally help rid our bodies of nasty free radicals. When free radicals accumulate in our body they can damage our cells. These are some of the driving factors for the consumption of green tea.

Most of us are used to drinking black tea or some other type of tea. Just about any herb can be transformed into tea. Whether it is for medicinal value or a calming and soothing aspect, a good cup of hot tea is really really good. Having a variety of teas in the kitchen is not a bad thing you want to mix it up also. Find the right teas for you and one or two to your green tea regimen. But if you are looking for the most common tea for fitness then green tea is the way to go.

Another Great Addition to Everyday Effortless Workouts

With this addition to your Everyday Effortless Workouts that you should already be doing. Well, 1 or 2 maybe 3 they are easy to do you can literally do all of them. They are just simple life hacks you can implement into your everyday life. When it comes exercising or staying fit it does not take much just a little bit of know-how and dedication. Be sure to check for the next entry in Everyday Effortless Workouts right here.

If you are looking for more ways to stay fit or need help managing your weight then you need to check out our Revolutionary Biohacking Methods on our Bio-hacking page.

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